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These; incidents, [actual; incidents, (evidence; obtained -  the, majority, will; remain - confidential)], account, for, approximately, 40%, of, what, I; HOLLY M. COLINO, have, dealt; with, within, 1; year, and, (excluding; false; arrests/citations), just; about, every; year, its; like; this.  

Kin; Male, age; 42, had, lied, 1/2; truth, and, lied, by; omission, as, a; 23-year-old; Witch, had, actually, been; living; with, and, sharing, a; bed, with, him, the; very, Male, ('kin'), as, I; Holly M Colino, had; officially, noticed, her, the; Witch, upon, waking; up, upon, my; Holly M Colino, 1st, nights, sleep, and, so, upon, my; Holly M Colino,  discovery, I; Holly M Colino, besides, work; search, and, work, I; Holly M Colino, and, awhile, monetarily; contributing, stayed, outside, of; the; house, (CCTV), other; than, to, sleep, and, with, all, the; above, stated, besides, there, never; being, a, consistent, operational; shower/bathroom, and, they're, in; the, wrong, 'wrong/shift-blame; 'games', arguing, and, catty/petty, bickering/story;telling, at, me; Holly M Colino, I; Holly M Colino, had; often, been, locked; out, from, entering, the; home, and, left; to, live/sleep, outside, and, upon, to, the; very; Male, offering, 75$, for, 1; weeks; rent, he; the; very; Male: 1. refused, to; take, it, (my; Holly M Colino, 75$), 2. Alleged, that, 'Jennifer's, (Witch), recent, catty; actions/mouth, towards, me; Holly M Colino, was, not, her; Witch's; accountability, or, his, the; very; Male, but, her; Witch's, mimicking, me; Holly M Colino, and, her, Witch's, catty; actions/mouth, had; already; begun, upon, the, moment, she; Witch, saw, me; Holly M Colino, and, as; far; as, her; Witch's, recent, catty; actions/mouth, he, the; very; Male, awhile, in, my; Holly M Colino, (he, in; passenger; seat), vehicle, as, he, the; very; Male, had; asked, for, a; ride, told, me; Holly M Colino, that, she, Witch, was, not, paying; rent, and, shortly; after, the; above; stated, all; 3; of; us, were; in; the; kitchen, talking; about, apartments/rent, and, I; Holly M Colino, had; asked, Witch, with; the; very; Male; present, what, she; Witch, paid, for, rent, and, amongst, the; Witch, replying, the; very; Male, looked; down, slight; red, in, the; face, and, so, the; very; Male, did, not, want; to, own; up, to, his, actions, and, upon, me; Holly M Colino, attempting, to, give, the; very; Male, $75, I; Holly M Colino, was; told, that, I; Holly M Colino, had; to; be, entirely; out, soon, and, that, he; the; very; Male, was, 'working; on', getting, the; Witch, out. 

II., Post Departure, Felony Violation, (IE., Character; Defamation), had; been, directed, at, me; Holly M Colino, but, (evidence), it; would, appear, as; if, it, (Felony), was, all, the; very; Male, hence, like; always, (these; very, scenarios), I; Holly M Colino, did, not, pursue; charges. 

IA., Police; dispatched, once, and, as, of, a; few, months, after, my; Holly M Colino, departure, the, Witch, had, still, been; living, at, the; home, with, the, ('kin'), very; Male. 
[FB, message; Recipient - No; Response]



JP, had; known, that, I; Holly M Colino; am, a; Singer, and, Rapper, and, at; one; point, I; Holly M Colino, had; been, approached, by, JP, who; was; apparently; associated; with, a; Woman, who; was, employed; as; a; Mimer/Lip-Synch, in; which, she; the; Woman, Lip-Synch/Mimes, (IE., also, 'misapplies' - GUILT): body, language, singing, and, or, rapping, and, thereby, which, he; JP, had; asked, me; Holly M Colino, to; allow, the; Woman, to; Lip-Synch/Mime, me; Holly M Colino; my; Holly M Colino; singing, and, I; Holly M Colino, did; not, offer; up, any, of, myself; Holly M Colino, my; Holly M Colino; singing, for, Commercial, and, Marketing; purposes, and, thereby, which; I; Holly M Colino, did; not; give, JP, and, the; Woman, permission, to, use, and, abuse, me; Holly M Colino; my; Holly M Colino; singing.


I; Holly M Colino, had, caught; out, JP, as, I; Holly M Colino, beyond, me; Holly M Colino, becoming, privy, to: 1. JP's; gossip, about, 'R', 2. Secret, competitive, 'Polaroid' innuendo, and, 3. Self; created, 'competition', with, 'R', had; discovered, that, JP, had: 1. Lip-Synch/Mimed; 'Singing', and, 2. Played; 'Guitar', within, a; band, and, 4. 'misapplied' - GUILT, (Mime/Lip-Synch), and, in; addition, I; Holly M Colino, had; discovered, that, JP, had, decorated, his; JP, 'guitar', along; with, him; JP, carving, " 'R' gets nothing", on, the; back, of, it, and, thereby; which, by; default, of, the; above; stated, and, by; default, of, his; JP's, 'Music'; pursuit, he; JP, had; exposed, that, he; JP, had; been, out, to, get; at, 'R', through; his; JP's, attempted, acquiring, of, 'fame'.


I; Holly M Colino, shortly; after, the, above; stated, started; receiving; many; texts, from, JP, and, at; 1; point, I; Holly M Colino, awhile; asleep, had; been; texted, by, JP, 47; times, and, these; very; texts, are; in, nexus, to, a; Criminal; Incident; Report, for, Aggravated; Harassment; 2nd.



I; Holly M Colino, by; default, of, many; others, had; found; out; about, a; webpage, and, upon; viewing, the, cover; page, I; Holly M Colino, had; viewed, and, collected; evidence, of, my; Holly M Colino; Person, being, Unlawfully, and, Unjustly; Used, and, I; Holly M Colino, had; discovered, a; Recording, which; was; being; appropriated, with, me; Holly M Colino, in; which, the, very; Recording, was, not, an; Exhibit, of, my; Holly N Colino; Voice, but, it, the, Recording; Unlawfully, and, Unjustly; Used, and, Abused, me; Holly M Colino, as; I; Holly M Colino had; vocalized, several; things, that, I; Holly M Colino, heard, within, that; very; Recording, but, that; very; Recording, had; exhibited, obscured; voices, sounding; electronic, and, by, default, of, all; the; above; stated, along; with, the; fact; that, the; very; Unlawful, and, Unjust; Recording, had; been; appropriated; with, my; Holly M Colino; Person, I; Holly M Colino, had; been, Unlawfully, and, Unjustly, Defamed, Used, and, Abused.



I; Holly M Colino, shortly; after,  the, above; stated; incident, had; received, a; few; texts, from, JP, in; which, 1; text, JP, had, 1st, tried, to; excuse, his; conduct, texting, that, his; JP's; conduct, may, be; due; to; him, JP, "having bipolar", and, this; very; text, is; also, in; nexus, to, a; Criminal; Incident; Report, for, Aggravated; Harassment; 2nd.


I; Holly M Colino, had; called, 911, to; report; an; Incident, as, JP, in; unlawful; possession, had; an; item, (property), of; mine, and, I; Holly M Colino, did; not; want; to, make; contact; with, JP, and, upon, Law Enforcement, being; on; scene, at, JP's; residence, JP, had; pulled; out, a; cellular; phone, and, upon, my; Holly M Colino; view, it; appeared; to; be, that, JP, had; been, filming, Law Enforcement.

#7. ...pending.

Incidents: Drawing/Painting.

By; 2002, I; Holly M Colino; had; been; approached, a; few; times, to, design, and, paint; building; murals, and, in; 2004, I; Holly M Colino, had; drawn; an; original, in; which, I; Holly M Colino, was, intending; to, put; forth, within, a; canvass, in; drawn, and, painted; form, but, as; I; Holly M Colino; had; nearly; finished; drawing; it, I; Holly M Colino, had; thought; up; a; phrase, and, thereby; which, I; Holly M Colino, based; upon; that; very; phrase, and, it's; meaning, had; thought, that, I; Holly M Colino, should; not; reveal; it, as; it, is, an; original, and, most; recently, I; Holly M Colino, had; been; speaking, with, a; woman, and, this; very; woman, along; with, 1; other, woman, had, somehow, 'channeled', in, on, me; Holly M Colino, and, thereby; which, 1; woman, had; said, to, me; Holly M Colino, "there's a canvas sketch you have, you need to get it on canvass", and, another, woman, who; had; been; associated, with; the, already; above; stated; woman, had; tried, to, encourage, me; Holly M Colino, to, become, a, Canvass Artists, and, shortly; after, all, the; above stated, I; Holly M Colino, had: begun, to, shred: drawings, and, sketches, of, mine; Holly M Colino.

Incidents: Writing.

I; Holly M Colino, had, caught, a; secret; admirer, and, the, very; secret; admirer, had; been, pulling; off; of, me; Holly M Colino, as, I; Holly M Colino, had, caught, the; very; secret; admirer, using, an, entire, written; work, of, mine; Holly M Colino, upon, they're, social; media; page, and, instead, of: clicking, 'share', and, or, 'liking' it, this; very; secret; admirer, copied, it, my; Holly M Colino; writing, and, along; with, this; very; secret; admirer, having; taken, credit; for, it, my; Holly M Colino; writing, had; begun, to; acquire, several; followers, upon, the; very; post, where; they, had, pulled; off, of, me; Holly M Colino, my; Holly M Colino; writing, and, most; recently, I; Holly M Colino, had, by, 2; persons, been, nearly, coerced, to, give, of, my; Holly M Colino; Person, my; Holly M Colino; Mind, and, 1, of, the, 2; persons, had, even, attempted, to, blackmail, me; Holly M Colino, to; control, my; Holly M Colino; speech.


Female, early; 20's, and, confirmed; to; be, a, mother; of, 1; child, and, she; Female, upon: 1. me; Holly M Colino, having, just, made; an; entrance; into, the, main; lobby, 2., immediately, following; that, the, GM, calling, me, over, 3., having; an; interview; with; the; GM, and, 4., immediately; after; that, me; Holly M Colino, leaving, the; building, awhile; she; female, out; of, my; Holly M Colino; sight, had; begun, to; Project; herself, on, me; Holly M Colino, and, by; due; course; of, me: Holly M Colino, having; been; hired, I; Holly M Colino, had; obtained; evidence, that, she; Female, truly, Projected; herself, "a Bitch", and, that; the, Company, should not, "hire her", as; I; Holly M Colino, had; gotten, the; opportunity; to; work; within, internal; investigations, and, of; course, a; few; others, and, myself; Holly M Colino, along; with; direct; observation, awhile, under; CCTV, had; permission; to; access, the; very; CCTV; cameras, and, thereby; which, I; Holly M Colino, along; with, a; few; others, had; gotten, evidence, of; she; Female: 1. repeatedly; harassing; others, 2. putting, a; sticky; note, on, a; male; applicant's, job; application, "Hire him, he's cute.", 3. "She's a Bitch", "Don't hire her", and, 4. stealing, 200.00$, from; another; employee's, purse, and, meanwhile, I; Holly M Colino, had; been; collecting, a; repertoire, of, text; messages, and, calls, which; clearly; exhibited, that, I; Holly M Colino, just, my; Holly M Colino; presence, to; another; Female; employee, had; been, to; her, Female; employee, 'intimidating', and, by; default; thereof, she; Female; employee, attempted; to, assert; authority, in; which, she; Female; employee, did; not; have, over, me; Holly M Colino, and, by; her, Female; employee, having; done; so, she; Female; employee, had, within; the; very; act, sabotaged, a; business; alliance, of, the; Company's.

Subject: Female.


I; Holly M Colino; had; again; started; to; visit, Subject, and, Subject's; Kin, along; with; chatting, via, a; social; media; messenger, where, she; Subject, had; shown, verifiable; intrigue, with, my; Holly M Colino; Mind, and, she; Subject, had; also; shown, verifiable; intrigue; amongst, her; Subject's; Kin, who; was; also; known; for, his, Mind: 'silver; tongue', and, eloquent; speaking.


Upon; viewing, a; social; media; main; feed, I; Holly M Colino, had; discovered, a; post, which; had; been; posted, by; Subject, in; which; Subject, had; invited; others, to; like, and, type; comments, and, upon; viewing; that; very; post, of, Subject's, I; Holly M Colino, had; discovered, that, 1, of, Subject's; associates, in; which, I; Holly M Colino, had; never; talked; with, had; within, that; very; post, commented; about, me; Holly M Colino, and,  the; very; comment, was; defamatory, as; the; comment, had; presented, me; Holly M Colino, in; false; light, and, the; comment, had; invaded, my; Holly M Colino; privacy, as: 1. the; comment, was, outside, the; scope; of, a; private; circumstance, 2. both; Subject, and, Subject's; associate, had; failed, to, get, my; Holly M Colino; permission, to, take, my; Person; Holly M Colino, and, use; me; Holly M Colino, and, to, then; 3. use, and, abuse, me; Holly M Colino, by; making, me; Holly M Colino, a; person, of, public; discussion.


I; Holly M Colino, along; with, 3; others, upon, social; media, had; begun, to, notice, that; Subject, had; an; infatuation, with: 1. miming, 2. enlarging; her, lips, and, eyebrows, and, 3. altering, her, face, and, body; shape, with: cosmetics, material, and, or, digital; embellishments, and, thereby; which, she; Subject, had; begun, to, live, a; LIE, and, by; default; thereof, I; Holly M Colino, having; already, had, some, behind; the; scenes, experience, within, the, Modeling; industry, thought, it; was, necessary, for, her; Subject's; own, welfare, to, at; least, offer; up, to, Subject, a; question, about, her; Subject's, 'photography'; pursuits, and, thereby; which, I; Holly M Colino, had, to; Subject, (privately), asked, 1; question, about, 'those'; photographs, and, in; response, to; my; Holly M Colino; question, she; Subject, had; begun, argument; about, what; she; Subject, had; done, in; which, she; Subject, thought, was; "right", and, about, what, she; Subject, hadn't, done, in; which, she; Subject, thought, was; "wrong".


I; Holly M Colino, had; spoken; to, a; Kin, of, Subject's, in; which, I; Holly M Colino, had; become, close; to, and, upon; the; very; discussion, I; Holly M Colino, had; discovered, that; Subject; had; been, via; social; media, secretly; viewing; me; Holly M Colino.

#5. (2016)

I; Holly M Colino, had, received, an, auspicious; message, suggesting, that, my; Holly M Colino, last, close; Kin, had, died, in; which, the; very, close; Kin, of, mine; Holly M Colino, had, near, they're; time, of, apparent; death, been, around, Subject.

#6. (2016)

I; Holly M Colino, upon; attempting; to, call; upon, and, question; Subject, had; been, targeted; by; her; Subject's; followers, and, Subject's; followers, had; never; once, spoken; to, me; Holly M Colino, and, thereby; which, having; absolutely; no; legitimate, purpose, to; initiate; themselves, in; making, contact, directly, to; me; Holly M Colino.

#7. (2016)

Upon; asking, Subject, about; Incident 2, she; Subject, had; confirmed, her; Subject's, "wrong".

Subject, "you won't be able to prove it, because you can't prove it wrong".


Upon, Incident 7, I; Holly M Colino, had; discovered, that; Subject, had; been, secretly; viewing, my; Holly M Colino, 1, and, only, active; social; media; page, which; had, contained, a; few; photographs, of, me; Holly M Colino, and, which; had; also, excluding, approximately, 1; week, had; not, been; used, for, 'friending'; activity, as; when; I; Holly M Colino, had, 1st; established; it, by; just; allowing; 2; persons; to; interact, I; Holly M Colino, had, on; the; 2, from; the; chin; up, photos, of, me; Holly M Colino, received, comments, from; the; very; 2; persons, in; which, I; Holly M Colino, had; friended, and, thereby; which, I; Holly M Colino, got; rid; of; them, ('friends'), and, they're; comments, and, this; very; page; of; mine, upon; the; above; stated, had; solely; been; purposed, as; an; evidence; log; page; in; which, my; Holly M Colino, evidence; log; page; had; consisted; of; collected; evidences, which; supported; other, Social Justice; discussions, of; mine, and, 1; of; Subject's; many; followers, on; my; Holly M Colino, evidence; log; page, had; typed, on; a; public; exhibit, "seems like you're paranoid", and, in; regards, to, the; above; stated, (FB), Subject; had; stated, "Your just jealous that I have more likes on my photographs".


Subject, "You're jealous that I'm modeling and acting and not you."


Shortly, after, the; above; stated, I; Holly M Colino, had; discovered, that, my; Holly M Colino, last; Kin, had, passed; away, and, by; default; thereof, discovering, that, Subject, had: 1. attended, the, funeral, 2. apparently, held, a; "cold" demeanor, at; the, funeral, and, 3. failed, to, inform, me; Holly M Colino, about, the; very; death, but, instead, chose, to, secretly, view, me; Holly M Colino, awhile, the; very; death, having, already, occurred.

I; Holly M Colino, in, my; own, Holly M Colino; Defense, upon, having; been, falsely; arrested, for, the, 2nd; time, by, year, 2012, had, upon, this; very; year, 2017,  obtained; more; evidence, in; regards, to, the; very, 2nd; false; arrest, in; which, with, the, false; arrest; case, having; already, been, Dismissed, but, part, of, a; scheme, ([contract;breach], Exploiting/Extorting, me; Holly M Colino), Justice, still, not, yet, served, and, thereby; which, I; Holly M Colino, have; begun, to, reexamine, the; case, for, farther; consideration, as; Subject; MR, had; still; been; at, it, and, is, now, at, a; new; location.
(C), "quick; brief...A, 28, year; old, "angry, ignorant, crazy", Stupid, saw, a, video, [IE., On, a, business; site, (camera; hidden), where, I, Me, Myself, She, Holly M Colino, (also, a, slew, of, inmates, in, which, I, She, Holly M Colino, had, detected, to, be - extorted), had; been, extorted..Meanwhile, Stupid, had; been, obsessing, over, getting, a, coffee; date, (cell/campus/angel; account), with, Me, I, She, Holly M Colino, and, so, Stupid, tried, to, come, at, Me, She, Holly M Colino, with, haste, and, bullshit, [trying, to, Play, off, the, extortion/harassment/hate;crime, (persecuted, for, perceived, faith, in, God, &, MR., "you admitted you didn't believe the Nun" - IE., also, a, politician), incident], and, Stupid, spun, in, (Sweden; Jurisdiction), front, of, Me, Myself, I, She, Holly M Colino, and, of; course, Stupid, in, fear; of; exposure, goes, on, his, social; media; page, (public), and, crafts, a, bullshit, bully; victim, story, and, to, follow; up, after, his, fans, had; helped, to, brainwash, 'him', Stupid, initiates, contact, with, Me, Myself, I, She, Holly M Colino, and, Stupid, alleged, that, 'he's', contacted, both, the, law, and, Suny Brockport, and, there; by, which, I, contact, MR, to inform, her, about, accountability and responsibility, with off-campus conduct, (college, not - accountable and responsible), and, to, inform, her; MR, that, I, She, Holly M Colino, didn't, want, to, pursue, any, charges/action, on, Frank - AKA, Stupid, and, that, no, charges, were, pressed, within, the, legal; system, by, Me, Myself, I, She, Holly M Colino, or, by, Frank - AKA, Stupid, but, she; MR, after, the, weekend, personally, met; up, with, Stupid, and, together, they, hung; out, and, chatted, and, somehow, MR, got, goddamn, fucking; stupid, under, the, impression, that, I, She, Holly M Colino, was, "trying to get him, [Frank], in trouble", within, the, college, conduct; system, and, thereby, which, Stupid, went, and, pursued, a, criminal; charge, and, following, that, MR, (justification, [Politician; Incident], access, to, admin], got, her; MR, off-campus, conduct; case, local; news; media, attention, for " 'accountability and responsibility -- off-campus conduct', and, her; MR; status; gain."-Holly M Colino.
IA., MR, had; been, falsifying, (3), business; documents, (IE., 1, was, also, a cover-up), and, I, She, Holly M Colino, (IE., also, 2, calls, to, Brockport; Police), just, described, the, act, (document/incident), to, Officer 'Sime', and, after, that, 'he'; Officer; 'Sime', said, it, was, a, crime, and, that, 'he'; Officer 'Sime', had, to, look, into, it, and, then, 'he', asked, "who", and, when I, Me, Myself, She, Holly M Colino, said, "MR", 'he'; Officer 'Sime', went, on, about, how, "great", MR, was, and, then, 'he'; Officer 'Sime', changed, 'his'; Officer 'Sime', mind, and, just, wanted, to, get, My, I, She, Holly M Colino, information.

II., Officer McKraken, [Thompson Hall..(email/lawfully; obtained; recording], South; Quadrant, film;video-Evidence), was, also, involved, IE., McKraken, (in; parking; lot), "you could go to hell, and I'll pray for you".

 [FYI:, Will, Post, detailed, Report, (S.B. Incidents), on, another, post.]


I; Holly M Colino, had; discovered, another, Incident, and, as, of, now, I; Holly M Colino, have; begun, an, official; case, with, an, international; company, and, again, I; Holly M Colino; am, functioning, as, my; Holly M Colino; own; advocate, and, this; very; case, concerns, an, Illegal, use, of, my; Holly M Colino; Person.

[Update], Me, Myself, I, She, Holly M Colino, has; been, mitigating, with, Google, but, they, Google, prefer, a, formal, legal, process, rather, than, My, Me, Myself, I, She, Holly M Colino's, offer, to, resolve, the, problem, without, the, legal, system.



Awhile, B.S. Security, having, 1st, been; informed, by, me; Holly M Colino, in; which, I; Holly M Colino, had; responded; to, an, Incident, an; illegal; tow, which; had; occurred, at, the, NG; Property, and, following; that, I; Holly M Colino, had; also, mediated, the, very; Incident, with, the; very; Tow Truck Company; Business Owner, and, upon, the; very; above; stated, I; Holly M Colino, had; to, inform, the; NG; Management, as, the; very, Incident, illegal; tow, could, again, become; problematic, and, shortly; after, all, the; above, stated, I; Holly M Colino, had; been, told, by; B.S. Security, that, if, I; Holly M Colino, talked, or, complained, of, the; very; above; stated, Incident, with, the, NG; Management, that, I; Holly M Colino, would, be, fired.



Awhile; on; duty, I; Holly M Colino, attempted; to; use; a; very; passcode, in; which, B.S Security, had, given, me; Holly M Colino, for, an; NG; property; BLDG, via, an; Intel, (IE., Intel [Typed by B.S. Security] - property info), and, upon; 'keying-in', the; very; passcode, I; Holly M Colino; could; not, access, the; NG; property; BLDG, and, thereby; which, I; Holly M Colino, had; immediately, contacted, Dispatch, and, I; Holly M Colino, had; never; received, any, assistance, from, Dispatch, or, any, B.S. Security; Employee, throughout, my; Holly M Colino, entire; shift, and, by; default; thereof, and, only; for; that, very; above; stated, work; day, that; very; NG; property; BLDG, within; the; very; BLDG; inside, had; not; been; patrolled, and, then, upon, the; following; day, I; Holly M Colino, had; been; a; recipient, of, a; group; message:

..after reviewing her cameras from yesterday, you were not seen on camera even once. They are having issues with people breaking in and hanging out or doing drugs. Moving forward when you arrive on property, you will send me and (Name) a picture of the fitness center and then you will take a new picture every hour, on the hour and send it to us. Remember, the manager is reviewing the cameras. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter."

And, shortly; after; reading, the; above; quoted; message, I; Holly M Colino, had; been; approached; by, the; very, Property Manager, and, thereby; which, I; Holly M Colino, had; then, again, discovered, that, besides, with, me; Holly M Colino, B.S. Security, had; not, taken; accountability, and, responsibility, with; NG, for: 1. they're; B.S. Security; admin, having, given, me; Holly M Colino, the, incorrect; passcode, via, the; Intel, and, 2. they're; B.S. Security; Dispatch, failure, to, respond, to, my; Holly M Colino; report, to; them; Dispatch, about, the; passcode; discrepancy, and, not; until, I; Holly M Colino, had; spoken, to, the; very; NG, Property Manager, did, I; Holly M Colino, actually, become; informed, of; the, correct, passcode.



I; Holly M Colino, had; already; posted; for, my; Holly M Colino; shift, at, NG, and, within, a; few; seconds, after; officially; posting, for, my; Holly M Colino; scheduled; shift, at; NG, I; Holly M Colino, had; been, contacted, by; Dispatch, in; which, the; very; message, was; a; directive: 1., depart; from, NG, to; take, a, Service Call, somewhere; else, 2., document, via, DARS, that, you, took, a, 10-100, (break), during; your, scheduled, NG; shift, and, by; default; thereof, B.S Security, had, also, directed, 3. LIE, on, report, and, thereby; which, I; Holly M Colino; had, refuted, the; entire, directive.



IE., there, are, several, dumpsters, on, the, NG; property, and, they, are, all, in, the, same, disposition, (throughout, the, week). as, the, dumpster, exhibited, above. 

The; following; shift, at; NG, after, Incident, #4, I; Holly M Colino, a; recipient, of; a; message, from, Dispatch, had; received, an, ambiguous, Pass On: "a female was attacked by an unknown male hiding behind a dumpster, he attempted to grab her but she managed to fight him off and get away. No description of the male."


IE., the; apparent, "female was attacked by an unknown male hiding behind a dumpster, he attempted to grab her but she managed to fight him off and get away. No description of the male.", 'Incident', which, according; to, B.S. Security, happened, "last night", had; never; been; reported; to, me; Holly M Colino, at; any; time, during: 1900, to, 0300 - "last night".

IE., Pass On's, were, supposed, to; be, 'passed on', for, 14; days.


The, "female was attacked by an unknown male hiding behind a dumpster, he attempted to grab her but she managed to fight him off and get away. No description of the male."; 'Pass On', had; not, been, 'passed on', for, 14; days.



I; Holly M Colino, had; begun, to, be, contacted, by, 4, persons, from, B.S. Security, and, during, all, hours, even; when, I; Holly M Colino, had; been, asleep.



I; Holly M Colino, had, by; Dispatch, received, Notice; messages, about, and, for; NG, as; Dispatch, had, amongst; the, above; stated, (#5), 2; days, in, a; row, messaged; me, Holly M Colino, with, the; same, Notice; message, about, and, for; NG, alleging, there, to; be, "Notices to be delivered", in; which, upon, both; days, both, Notice; messages, were, untrue, and, thereby; which, I; Holly M Colino, had; tried, to; resolve, the; discrepancy, with, Dispatch, and, Dispatch, had; went, on, the; Defense, and, they, in; Dispatch; defense, had, LIED, as; Dispatch, stated, "we are required to send daily for 14 days.... sorry.", which, is, untrue, and, after, they're; Dispatch's, LIE, they; Dispatch, had; officially, ceased, to, message, me; Holly M Colino, the; very; Bullshit; Notice; message, about, and, for; NG.


B.S. Security.


I; Holly M Colino, had; discovered, that; a; mandatory, S.O. Class, had; been; scheduled, for; all, S.O.'s, to; attend, and, I; Holly M Colino, had; been; given, less; than, a; 1; week; notice, to; either, attend, this; very; class, on: my; Holly M Colino; days; off, or, upon; another; day, which; would've, interfered, with; my; Holly M Colino; work; schedule.

I; Holly M Colino, along; with; the, majority; of; S.O.'s, had; partook, in; the; very, S.O. Class; which; was; alleged, to; be; about; the new, Report Forms, which; we, (S.O.'s), if; hand; writing, Reports, had; all; been; using; as; of, March, which; had; been, approximately, 1.5; months; ago, from; this; very, S.O. Class.

IE., 'Class'; Instructor, admitted, in; front, of, all, of, us, S.O.'s; who; attended, the; very, 'Class', that, he; 'Class'; Instructor, a; B.S. Security; Captain, had; engaged, himself, 'Class'; Instructor; B.S. Security; Captain, in, "Bullshitting", Reports.

IA. the, 'Class'; Instructor, had, never, addressed, any, of, our, (S.O.) concerns, as, the; new, Report; Forms, had, restricted, S.O.: handwriting, content; format, context; space, and, thereby; which, report; size -pages.



I; Holly M Colino, had; been, eating, and, awhile; eating, I; Holly M Colino, had; been, nearly; blinded, by, a; fluorescent; like, white; light, which; had; been; flashed; upon, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, and, I; Holly M Colino, said, "What a Fucking Asshole.", and, after, the; fluorescent; like, white; light, had; turned; off, I; Holly M Colino, in, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, driver; side; mirror, had; seen, a; vehicle, driving; off, eastward, from, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, and, I; Holly M Colino, had; begun, to, notate, the; above; stated, activity, and, within, approximately, 3; minutes, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, had; again, been; flashed, with; a, fluorescent; like, white; light, and, upon; turning, to, my; Holly M Colino; left, I; Holly M Colino, all, I; Holly M Colino, could; see, was; the, fluorescent; like, white; light, and, a; dark; figure, (chest, and, down, to, legs), and, upon; the, dark; figure, having; been, fluorescent; like, white; light, directly, in; front, of, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle; window, did; his; face, start; to; become, revealed, and, at; that; point, I; Holly M Colino, had; also, noticed, the, B.S. Security; Badge, and, then, he; had; turned; around, and, entered, a; car, in; which, in; my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, I; Holly M Colino, could, only, see, the; car, front; lights, and, the; very; car, just; sat; there, and, within, approximately, 1; minute, I; Holly M Colino, had; gotten; out; of, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, and, I; Holly M Colino, had; then, begun; walking; towards, the; very; car, and, upon; being, a; few; feet, in; front, of; the; very; car; window, I; Holly M Colino, had; begun, to, reprimanded; the, B.S. Sgt.
Parking; Lot, Exhibit

IE., upon, this; very, above; stated, Incident, I; Holly M Colino, had; begun, to, become, coerced, as; B.S. Security, wanted, me; Holly M Colino, to; give, more, ideas/context, within, Reports, even; when, there; was, no, legitimate; purpose.

IE., no, one, within; the, B.S. Company, had; known, of, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, as; it, had; changed, about, a; month; prior, to; the, above; stated, incident, and, I; Holly M Colino, hadn't; yet, parked; it, within, the, B.S. Company Office; area, and, so, someone, had; to; have; been, covertly; watching, me; Holly M Colino, and, or, covertly; following, me; Holly M Colino.


II., The, 2nd; evening, following; the, above; stated, I; Holly M Colino, had; thought; to, retreat; to, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, to: 1. notate, my; Holly M Colino, NG; patrol, and, 2. research, penal; codes.


Awhile, I; Holly M Colino, had; been; in, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, Sgt., (Incident #9), had, in, a; car, pulled; up, next; to, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, and, the; very; Sgt., had: gotten; out; of, his; Sgt.; vehicle, walked; around; it, and, came; over; to, me; Holly M Colino, and, he; Sgt., had, 1st; begun, Bullshit, and, upon, me; Holly M Colino, calling, out, his; Sgt.'s; Bullshit, he; Sgt., had; begun, to, LIE, directly, to, me; Holly M Colino, and, upon, me; Holly M Colino, to; the; very; Sgt., having, myself; Holly M Colino, boldly, stated, "Shame on you", "You're a LIAR", he, the; very; Sgt., had; then, scurried, away.


#10. ...pending.


[Update], filed, with, state, (UI), due, to, retaliation, and, next, employer, [Video/Evidence, (case), Link, on, Holly M Colino; Facebook], also, terminated - Retaliation.

Copyright 2010-2017. All Rights Reserved, Holly M Colino. (C)

II., All, of, the; above, Incidents, (04/16-04/17), in; which, are, only, the, Incidents, which, had, already, been; within, the, Public Eye, (exploit/extortion), and, or, Employer; Related, are, also, Incidents, in; which, I; Holly M Colino, have; obtained, valid; evidences.


I; Holly M Colino, between, 2016-2017, had; acquired, 5; Jobs, and, 2, of, the, 5, I; Holly M Colino, had; already, explained, as; already; stated, and, as; far; as, the, other, 3: 1. Official case, (Retaliation - State), in; which, I; Holly M Colino, had; fought, and, won, in, my; own; Holly M Colino; defense, 2. The; employer, did, not, pay, me; Holly M Colino, for, the; hours, I; Holly M Colino, had; worked, within, the; first; week, of, employment, and, 3. The; Job, was, a, temporary, (contract), Job, in; which, in; the, 3rd, to, last; month, of, the; contract, (2 months in), a, proven, Smear Campaign, (Female; Employee, who; wanted, my; HMC; Status, Job), had; begun, towards, me; Holly M Colino.



These; very, Incidents, are, solely, Incidents, in; which, besides; surveillance; cameras, I've, obtained, my; own; Holly M Colino; evidences, and, these; very, Incidents, are, solely, Incidents, which, had; taken; place, at, 1; Chain; Brand, Gas; Station.

Incidents: 01/17- 04/17.

Location A.



Male; white, and, he; Male, without; legitimate; purpose, had; been, blaring, rap; mimickers, and, mimers, which; is, Aggravated Harassment, within; itself, repeat: threat, aggravation, and, or, petty; annoyance, as, rap; mimickers, and, mimers, have, no, legitimate; purpose, to; be, blared, out; of, any, electronic; device, as, they, mimickers, and, mimers, themselves, have, no, purpose, to; talk, yet; alone, to, mouth; off, to, the, Nation.

The; very, above; mentioned, Male, had; been, blaring, rap; mimickers, and, mimers, through; a; cell; phone, and, outward, so; others, were; forced, to; hear; it, within, a; gas; station; store, in; which, this; very; gas; station; store, by; policy, chooses, not; to; blare; any; 'music', and, during; all; business; hours, and, I; Holly M Colino, frequent; this; very; gas; station; store, and, as; a; customer, I; Holly M Colino, had, awhile; grabbing, a; drink, noticed; this; very; Male, blaring; a; rap; mimicker, and, mimer, outward, from, and, out; of; his; phone, and, following; that, I; Holly M Colino, began; to; notice; that; it; had; become, both, a; petty; annoyance, and, a; distraction; amongst, myself; Holly M Colino, and, a; few; others, awhile; in, the; checkout; line, and, by; that; time, the; very; Male, without; intent, to; make; a; purchase, as; he; had; already; been, loitering, just; walking; around, and, blaring; 'music', had; been; standing; behind; me, and, at, that, point, I; Holly M Colino, turned; around, and, asked; the; very; Male, why; he, the; very; Male, behind; me, was; blaring, "that" ('music'), outwardly, within; the; gas; station; store, and, he, the; very; Male, had; responded; with, "I don't care what other people think.", and, at; that; point, others; began, to; laugh, and, he; the; very; Male, had; still, blared; 'music', amidst; making, my; Holly M Colino, purchase, and, then; I; Holly M Colino, had; exited; the; gas; station; store, front; entrance, and, then, the; very; Male, had; begun; to; follow, and, as; I; Holly M Colino, had; gotten; in; my; car, I; Holly M Colino, had; noticed; that, the; very; Male, was; outside; the; gas; station; store, loitering; within; the; front; of; the; gas; station; store, and, as; I; Holly M Colino, had; begun; to; pull; out; of; the; gas; station; area, I; Holly M Colino, had; noticed, within; my; Holly M Colino; peripheral; vision, that, he; the; very; Male, had; been; heading; towards, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, and, he; the; very; Male, had; been, just; several; feet away; from; my; Holly M Colino; vehicle.

Location B.


I; Holly M Colino, after; having; exited, the; gas; station; store, had; been; approached, by, a; beige; brown; Male; with, a; bike, upon; entering my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, and, upon; this; very; Incident, he, the; very; Male, had; asked, me; Holly M Colino, for; cash/coin, money, and, I; Holly M Colino, declined; to, give, him, the; very; Male, cash/coin, money, and, upon, the; way, I; Holly M Colino, had; declined, to, give, him, the; very; Male, cash/coin, money, he, the; very; Male, had; left, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle; area.


I; Holly M Colino, upon, having; already; left, the; gas; station; store, had; been; watched, and, upon, entering, and, sitting; within, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, which, had; been; parked, in; the, very; last, parking; space, I; Holly M Colino, awhile; very; hungry, had; taken, a; bite, of, my; Holly M Colino; food, and, by; that; point, somebody; had, already; been; within, several; feet, of, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, and, upon, me; Holly M Colino, looking; up, and, to; the; left, of, me; Holly M Colino, there, he; was, white; Male, now, at, my; Holly M Colino, front; vehicle; end, and, upon; that; very; Incident, he, the; very; Male, had; asked, me; Holly M Colino, for, cigarettes/cash/coin, money.

Location C.


Awhile, in; my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, reporting, a; previous; Incident, a; dark; tan; Male, wearing, a; red; jacket; with, a; bike, had; startled; me; Holly M Colino, and, he, the; very; Male, after; startling, me; Holly M Colino, had; then, sat; next; to, my; Holly M Colino: vehicle, and, soon; after, he; came; towards, me; Holly M Colino; awhile I; Holly M Colino, was; in, my; vehicle, and, he; had; asked, me; Holly M Colino, if, I; Holly M Colino, would, make, a; call, for; him, and, I; Holly M Colino, upon, that; very; point, had; ignored, him; Male, and, a; few; minutes, after; that, he, came; towards, me; Holly M Colino, again, and, stared, at, me; Holly M Colino, through, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle; window, and, then, he, the; very; Male, had; smirked, and, upon, he, the; very; Male, smirking, he, the; very; Male, had; taken; off, on, his; bike, heading; eastward, from, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle.


I; Holly M Colino, had; pulled; into, a; parking; spot, to; check; for, any; possible, important; messages, and, after; that, a; white; Male; with, a; bike, had; startled, me; Holly M Colino, and, upon; startling, me; Holly M Colino, he, the; very; Male, had; positioned; himself, aside, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, front; windshield; area, and, upon, reaching; for, my; Holly M Colino, within; the; ignition, keys, awhile, looking, directly, forward, he, the; very; Male, had; remained, in; position, and, at; that; point, I; Holly M Colino, upon, turning; the; key, within; the; ignition, had; dropped, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, in; reverse, and, the, quickly, pulled; out, in, a; half; circle, and, then, proceeded; forward, heading; east.


I; Holly M Colino, upon; walking; to; my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, after, having; already, exited, the; gas; station; store, along; with: 1. I; Holly M Colino, having; nothing, remotely; related, to, cigarettes, within, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, when, I; Holly M Colino, had, 1st;  pulled; into, the; gas; station; store, to, park, 2. I; Holly M Colino, having, nothing; remotely; related, to, cigarettes, when, I; Holly M Colino, had; exited, the; gas; station; store, and, 3. I; Holly M Colino, having, nothing; remotely; related, to, cigarettes, when, I; Holly M Colino, had; already; exited, the; gas; station; store, and, was, on, my; Holly M Colino; way, to, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, and, upon; the, above; listed, #3., I; Holly M Colino, had; been, by, a; white; Male, in; which, he, the; very; Male, had; asked, me; Holly M Colino, for, a; 'light', and, upon, him, the; very; Male, having; asked, for, a; 'light', I; Holly M Colino, said, "No.", and, upon, me; Holly M Colino, containing; to, mind, my; own; Holly M Colino; business, awhile, proceeding; to, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, he, the; very; Male, had; then, advanced, a; few; feet, closer, towards, my; Holly M Colino, direction, and, upon; his, the; very; Male's; advance, he, the; very; Male, had; asked, me; Holly M Colino, a; non-sense; question, and, after; that; very; non-sense; question, I; Holly M Colino, had; entered, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, and, upon, me; Holly M Colino, having, entered, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle, he, the; very; Male, had; turned; around, and, headed, south, from, my; Holly M Colino; vehicle.

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